Friday, November 24, 2017

Catching up

Sorry again that it has been so long since I made a post.  Ragweed season ended, but it lasted long than usual because of how warm it was n October.  My allergies are a bit better now since I don't have pollen to deal with for a few months.  Now its mainly dust and molds i have to watch out for.  of course there is still all the other stuff I'm allergic to, but they arent as hard to avoid as pollens, dust, and molds.

A couple of days ago, someone pointed out to me there is a comic book series called 'Snotgirl'.  They said it reminded them of me.  I read some of it online and the story is kinda weird and the characters are very superficial and mean, but the main character has very bad allergies she tries to hide - that does remind me a bit of me, lol.  I think she often does a better job than me as she doesn't seem to sneeze that much, just snot and congestion.  Its a bit of an amusing read.

I do have a bit of Q to A:

Q: What has made this the worst it has ever been? 
A: Part of it was how long and warm the season was - so possibly more pollen than usual and for a longer time.  Sometimes I don't know if my allergies keep getting worse or if its just more pollen.

Q: Can you talk about a typical day with your allergies? Examples like, Is there a time of day that is worse than others, what do you feel when you wake up, how many times you think you may sneeze or blow your nose, taking OTC medication because symptoms are too much. 

A: I can't pinpoint any time of day that is always worse or always better.  It also depends on time of year, what allergens I might be being exposed to, etc.  I usually wake up with a sneezing fit and my eyes are all goopy and my nose is all snotty.  I usually sit in bed for a bit dealing with all that.  I sneeze tons, so its hard to keep track.  I usually can't blow my nose because my congestion is too bad.  Sometimes in the winter I can.    I on a number of medications, but prescription and OTC.  They don't help too much, except for benadryl  It really knocks me out though so I only use it if things are really bad, i can't sleep from my allergies, and I know I don't have much to do the next day - I don't know if it actually stops my allergies or if it just makes me sleep - I'll sleep from it and when it wears off ill be awake but really groggy and my allergies will be back.  I use sudafed pretty often as that can keep my sinus pressure from becoming pain much of the time.  

As always, please feel free to ask more questions, or contact/chat with me on e-mail or skype via


  1. Hi Kate,

    Happy to hear ragweed season is over, hopefully you are feeling better. You said you aren't sure if your allergies are getting worse or there is just more pollen. Do you track pollen counts? If so do you find consistency in when the number is high you are suffering more? And at what number do you know you are going to have a tough day?

  2. Hi Kate. I'm glad rageweed season has ended and you are feeling better. I have a few questions:

    How many times do you sneeze in a row?

    Does sneezing relieve pressure and make you feel better or make you feel worse?

    Are allergies frustrating for you or are you used to them?

    Is it ever hard for you to fall asleep due to sneezing or allergies?

    Do you ever stifle?

    Thanks and I hope you continue to feel better!
