Saturday, January 28, 2017

Updating, Weird Things, and Q+A

Just finished my first week at my research job.  I'm very happy.  Both to finally be finished with school, and to be able to start doing good stuff!

As I mentioned before, my congestion is always very bad.  I usually can not sniffle or blow my nose because of it.  In the winters however, I have times where my congestion is low enough that I can do those thing.  I'll tend to blow my nose way too much, which causes irritation, but its just so nice to be able to do it.  The other thing I do sometimes might be a bit gross.  Sometimes when I'm alone, I'll look in the mirror when I have snot hanging out of my nostrils.  I'll sniffle and most of it will come back up into my nostrils.  It will come back out eventually and I'll sniffle it up again, etc.  I just like that I am able to sniffle it back up like that.  Sorry if that's silly or gross.

Here is a bit of Q to A again:

Q: Is going to the dentist ever problematic?
A:  Luckily I have very good teeth.  I go once a year (or 2) or so for a check-up/cleaning and that's about it.  I of course do it outside of pollen season, and before I pick a dentist, I hang out in the waiting room/office for a while to see if anything starts to bother my allergies.

Q: Are there any foods you're allergic to? Are the symptoms the same as with scents and plants? 
A:  I'm allergic to dairy.  It makes my asthma much worse.  Asthma used to be a really big problem, but once we found the dairy issue, now its not a problem except sometimes when I'm sick.  I'll just get wheezy when my allergies are bad.  I can eat small amounts without a problem, but more than a mouthful of ice cream, or a few sips of milk, and then its a problem.  Other than that, I don't think so.  Some fruits and nuts might make my mouth a bit itchy at times, but I don't know if its a consistent thing.

Q:  Would you say your sneezes are loud or soft?
A:  On the softer side of normal I think.  If I sneezed just once or twice, it probably wouldn't be too noticeable

Q: You said in this post scents are causing you a reaction. Are these perfumes and colognes or candles and other things? 
A: Yes, those things.  I think pretty much any strong scent, but definitely perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, scented candles, etc.

Q: How do you get rid of dust in your home? Do you suck it up and clean it or does Allison do it?
A: She has a dust allergy too, but not as bad as mine.  We both tend to do it.

Q: I was wondering if things have changed for you in terms of mornings. A long time ago you wrote those were the worst, that you had to set aside a lot of time in the morning for your allergies. Is it still like that, every day since then? Do you ever find yourself needing to sleep over somewhere else where this gets extra difficult for you in the morning? 
A: Yes, its still pretty bad in the mornings.  When my allergies are bad and I'm having problems sleeping in general because of how bad they are, I'll try to sleep in another room as not keep waking up Allison.

Q: Why do you think the shower makes you sneeze? I was surprised to read that since typically flushing with water helps allergies. 
A: I have no idea.  Maybe the heat of the shower?

Q: How is your new job and the people there? 
A: Its only been one week so far, but I am enjoying it.

Q: You often say that you want to run away to a bathroom when you're having a sneezing fit in public. Wouldn't people also head you in there? I know plenty of people that would feel awkward with someone constantly sneezing in the stall next to them. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, I'm just wondering.
A: Its easier for me not to think about other people hearing me if I don't see them.  Its all the looking at me, focusing on me, etc.  that is the worst part.

I hope that answers the questions well.  As always, feel free to comment, or contact me directly.  I use skype the most now, but e-mailing works too.  I think both are

1 comment:

  1. How have you been?
    Has this blog helped you at its original goal?
    What's your fav song/movie?
