Sunday, August 15, 2010


Hi everyone.  This first post it just to let everyone know what I want to do with this blog.  I have had very bad allergies for about 9 years now.  I know most people think 'bad allergies' aren't that bad, but believe me, mine are.  My doctors tell me mine are the worst they have seen, and they are worse than anyone else I have met or heard about.

I have discovered that I have not come to terms with my allergies at all.  I am terribly embarrassed by them, they greatly impact my life, and I change how I live because of them.  I hate talking about them with anyone in real life, and I end up 'hiding' alot in my life.  I am hoping that by making this blog, I will learn to be a bit more open, to be less embarrassed, and to be more comfortable with who I am.

My plan is to start by making posts about my history with allergies.  How they started, how they impacted me, etc.  I will be throwing in some posts about specific instance of my allergies and perhaps some tangents about allergies.  I will also be making posts about how I am feeling, what struggles I may be having with my allergies, and how they are affecting me presently.  I will eventually start keeping track of my allergies on a regular basis.  Daily would be great, but I think weekly is more realistic.

I want to make this blog social because the social aspect is one major area that my allergies have impacted.  Please feel free to comment often, give suggestions, commiserate, share your own stories, etc.  I am also happy to talk via e-mail or IM.

Thanks everyone for helping me on this journey.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. When lawns get cut where I am my nose starts to itch and tickle. The sneezes start. So messy.
