Thought I forgot about my blog? Nope. Just been distracted and constantly not knowing what to post about.
I was thinking about something though: Service animals and emotional support animals.
I am in the frustrating place of being an animal lover and highly allergic to pretty much anything with fur. I wonder if part of the reason why my cat allergies are so bad is that I tried to keep my 2 cats long after I developed allergies.
I never want to deny anyone their service animal or their support animal, but its been getting harder for me to deal with as more and more people have them. When I can, I'll leave the area, or get as far away as I can and suffer through it. I don't want to complain to any of the people or make an issue, but I wonder if there is a better way for me to deal with it.
Belive me, I'd rather be able to be near them and talk to the owners about how much I like their animals, but my allergies are just too severe. It just sucks having to avoid something you really like and not really being able to fully avoid it anyway.
Oh, I should mention an allergy-related dream I had recently:
A company had these 3 flowers that were useful in many ways. They had to keep them in sperate rooms otherwise they would react somehow and damage each other and they just had one of each. For me, if I was exposed to them in a certain order it would neutralize all my allergies for an couple of hours. I had to expose myself to them in the reverse order before time was up or all my allergies would return and the flowers would never work for me again. The reverse order however would bring some of my allergies back for a couple of hours - and it was random which ones. After that I could let the time elapse and my allergies would slowly return to normal but I could still use the flowers. If I was exposed to the flowers in any other order, nothing happened.
So, that's it for today. I still exist so feel free to drop me a line or chat. works for e-mail, skype, and hangouts.