The bad allergy weekend - Allison and I went with some friends to stay at a cabin and my allergies were horrible the whole time. Something about the cabin (no idea what) set off my allergies badly, and outside ragweed and probably other things bothered me too. I didn't want to ruin the weekend/make Allison leave so I suffered through it. I couldn't really do much, and so people would check-up on me from time to time. I had one of the longest sneezing fits I think I have ever had. One of our friends was there for it and he said he thinks it was 147 sneezes long. Anyway, I am home now but still feeling pretty allergically miserable.
Here is a little Q+A:
Q: YOu wrote a while ago that paper products bother you. So do you mean that you can't touch paper or it makes you sneeze? How do you avoid these things because they are everywhere? Is is a strong reaction?
A: Touching things dosen't bother me. Mostly its any paper dust I think makes my nose react. Something about newsprint seems to set my allergies off a bit too. Its strong enough to be noticable, but not as bad as say pollen or animal dander, etc.
Q: Now that you're years older since you started this blog, do you still have issues with colleagues making comments about your allergies? If so ,can you give some examples?
A: Not much of a problem, especially compared to HS and undergrad. I'll more get comments at some public places - like all my sneezing is seen as disruptive at the movies, I'll get weird reactions on mass transit, etc. At work people I think are pretty used to it. Sometimes someone might say 'there she goes again' or ' I wonder how long til she stops sneezing' but that's about it.
Q: You said before that someone you knew somehow sabotaged you/your allergies before you were going to meet up with a guy I was interested in, and your allergies got so bad that it screwed it all up. What happened that day, can you describe the date?
A: I might have made a prior blog post about it. It was back in HS when I was still trying to like guys (I thought I was Bisexual for a time). Someone who was jealous and wanted to date him I think somehow got pollen or something on my jacket without me knowing. As the date when on I was sneezing a lot and my eyes got all watery and red, I kept having to wipe my nose and go off to the bathroom when my fits were going on. It really interfered with the date and he seemed kind of turned off by it all. We didn't go on a date again, although he never went out with the girl who did it to me as he had no interest in her - He didn't know anything about it and I didn't find out til after the fact anyway.
That is all I have for today. I'll try to post a bit more often but its hard to remember to do. I am always happy to chat online however. Skype and google hangouts are the best ways to get in touch with me, or via e-mail. should get you to me on any of those.
Thanks for sticking around to keep reading :)