I haven't posted in a while because I have been very busy, sorry about that. This will be a short post.
This spring my allergies have been very bad. I'm sneezing and snotting all over the place and my nose and eyes are always very itchy and swollen.
I had a weird allergy dream a few weeks ago, but I only remember 2 small parts. I was in a group of people who had allergies. They all had tissues and were blowing their noses but I didn't have any tissues. They told me I had to stop sneezing to be able to use any tissues, but I couldn't stop from sneezing. In another part, I was with a group of people again, and there was someone with me and my nose would run for a little bit, she'd wipe my nose with a really rough paper towel of some kind, then that would make me be about to start a sneezing fit and she'd put her finger under my nose until the feeling went away, then my nose would start to run for a bit, and that just kept repeating, and I just felt like I really needed to sneeze the whole time.
Q: How have you been?
A: Allergies have been bad. Otherwise pretty good
Q:Has this blog helped you at its original goal?
A: Not too much, maybe a little bit.
Q:What's your fav song/movie?
A: That's way too hard to say. A recent movie I have been thinking about a lot is 'Arrival'
That's all for today. Please contact me if you'd like with questions for my blog, or if you just want to chat.