My allergies this spring seem to be coming on quicker than usual. I don't know if it will end up being a worse spring, but it feels like its been coming on about 2 weeks earlier than usual. Like right now my allergies feel like they usually do in the middle of April. Maybe everything is just 2 weeks early this year.
I had a weird/interesting dream a few days ago. I was a consultant for a video game about allergies. The dream got very detailed, but mainly it was a game where you played someone with allergies and had to get through daily life and other things for a set amount of time - like a day or an allergy season or a year or something. There were different difficultly levels, what things you are allergic to, and other settings to choose from. Winning was based on what version of the game you played. I think one was based on finding a cure for your allergy, or a way to keep them totally at bay. Another was minimizing how much resources you needed to use on controlling your allergies, and another was limiting impact your allergies had on your social life. I never saw the actual game in the dream, but it was some game developers talking to me about what they wanted the game to be about and me giving them information on how it would be realistic for someone with allergies, what the challenges are, etc. If you are interested in more, message me and I can probably remember more about it if we chat about it. The dream and game was actually kinda cool. I sort of wish a game like that was being made. I sure could consult on it, lol!
Someone suggested a blog topic to me I want to try. It was talking abut modes of transport and the advantages and disadvantages they have for my allergies. I will mention a few here, and if people want, I can add a few more/talk about ones people suggest. Just note, I am putting the ones down I think have the biggest impact, so off the top of my head, I am not sure how interesting others may be.
Airplanes: This is probably the worst for me. I have mentioned plane trips before. Its not that planes themselves make my allergies bad (I can run into random thing that make me allergic, but that can happen anywhere), but the altitude changes can get very painful for me. My sinuses get really intense pressure and pain and my ears can hurt so badly. The intense pressure and congestion makes me sneeze less, but the sneezes are pretty painful from it. After a trip across the country, I need about a day to recover and feel better.
Cars: This really depends on time of year/pollen season. In the winter I am usually fine. Some days in pollen seasons my allergies are too bad to drive. I also have had times where I have had to pull over if I feel a bad allergy attack coming on. As a passenger, again if pollen isnt an issue, everything is fine. During pollen season, the longer the car ride, the worse my allergies can get. If I am just with Allison, its not that bad, but if I am in the car with other people, its very embarrassing because I can't go run off anywhere, and my bad allergies can become the center of attention in the car.
As I mentioned above, if you want to know about other modes of transport, let me know. For ideas, these are some the person suggested: walking, riding a bicycle, travelling by bus, train, boat/ship.
I will keep trying to make posts more often, so please keep coming up with questions/ideas for me. As always, feel free to contact me to chat.